Be healthy, Stay happy and always Keep Smiling.
A beautiful time to experience the motherhood began with the arrival of the news of you haven conceived. The beginning of the second trimester brings an ease to many intolerable changes, though gives rise to other inevitable changes. These changes actually require a lot of care and proper diet.
The second trimester invites with itself the various bodily changes for the expecting mother. She now has to tackle her growing belly and breast. The uterus expands further for the growing fetus to get ample amount of space for development. The fatigue and morning sickness fades off.
The second trimester also brings along few uninvited changes also. You may now experience swollen feet and ankles. The muscles are more often faced and specially the leg experiences the cramps more. The expanding uterus puts pressure on the nearby muscles and ligaments.
A beautiful time to experience the motherhood began with the arrival of the news of you haven conceived. The beginning of the second trimester brings an ease to many intolerable changes, though gives rise to other inevitable changes. These changes actually require a lot of care and proper diet.
Prepare yourself by this time to feel your fetus, your growing and developing child even more each day, each moment with more affection.
zealtoheal32 invites all to experience the same with all beautiful mothers experiencing the same changes of the second trimester i.e from 13 weeks of pregnancy to week 26 of the gestational period.
The second trimester invites with itself the various bodily changes for the expecting mother. She now has to tackle her growing belly and breast. The uterus expands further for the growing fetus to get ample amount of space for development. The fatigue and morning sickness fades off.
The nausea which might have troubled you in the previous weeks may now ease down to lot more extent and you may get rid of the morning sickness as well. Food which you may have avoided may now taste better.
The developing fetus is now growing with lot of changes may now make you feel kicks inside you. It is beautiful time to experience the baby bump which now is prominently visible to make you feel goodness of the gestational period.
The bones starts to harden more with more defined fetal neck forming. The fetus now shows gender specificity along with prominent eyes and ears development.
The growing fetus shows existence of toe nails by this time.
It also forms a protective covering, vernix caseosa, which protect the baby inside the amniotic fluid.
Baby hair are visibly formed by this time.
Finger prints and foot prints develop by the time the second trimester comes to an end.
The lungs starts to form till the end of second trimester which ends the beautiful period of your gestation.
The second trimester also brings along few uninvited changes also. You may now experience swollen feet and ankles. The muscles are more often faced and specially the leg experiences the cramps more. The expanding uterus puts pressure on the nearby muscles and ligaments.
Hormonal changes send more blood to the gums making them more sensitive and hence bleed. Heartburn and constipation is finds path during this time of gestation.
The weight may also increase drastically in this period of gestation. Uterine Tract Infection (UTI) is also common in many females. Linea Nigra, a dark line forms in the middle of the abdomen. Melanin levels may also increase forming brown marks on skin also called masks of pregnancy.
Taking warm water bath may help you ease out the pain experienced during this time of gestational period. Food rich in magnesium may help you get rid of cramps faced. Food rich in more than one nutrient are a must intake during this time period. Broccoli, green beans, cabbage, carrots, pasteurized cheese, nuts, almonds, seeds are all good options for a must intake during this period to enjoy a more healthy and ease out period. Bananas are another good option for second trimester.
Following your food cravings is the best option for the gestational period but taking special care is more important for such time.
Taking in more fluids to make the circulatory process work well and hence help you cope up stress. Recommended calcium intake is a must during this phase of your pregnancy. Headaches and other pain can also be made to relax by taking ample amount of rest during the second trimester of gestation.
It is now time to drink water and take rest till next blog comes to you.
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