Be healthy, Stay happy and always Keep Smiling.

The third trimester starts with new changes in your body and display of very different emotions bound to you, your baby, and the people around you. 
The 29 weeks to 40 weeks period is breath taking and filled with hicks and kicks felt to engross you within yourself and feel the beauty of motherhood
It is not wrong if we say better late than never. Motherhood is one such blessing which is sweet to experience even if it is late in our life irrespective of any dilemma related to it. 
Beginning with the changes your body can undergo during this period of gestation is extremely beautiful as well as uncomfortable for many. 

The third trimester of gestation puts lot of changes in your body to be experienced inside as well as outside. 
In the initial weeks of this trimester, your body may feel fatigue and tired due to discomfort and weight gain. The center of gravity of your body shifts to different position and you are prone to fall more often. It is very essential for you to balance your body during this time and wear comfortable footwear. 
Muscle cramps, especially leg cramps are very common. The pain is tremendous to be felt and thus your body indicates you to take rest. Avoid standing for long hours continuously. This may relate to poor circulation and thus resulting in swollen feet
The uterus size grows and moves upward to make room for your growing fetus thus shrinking the organs around and specially your stomach which may make you feel full more often. The growing size of your little one also pushes on the bladder which produces an urge for you to urinate

The growing fetus can partially open its eyelids and develops eyelashes. It can now detect light. Little hair grow by this time and continues to grow. The weight and size increases and fills the space inside. 
The finger and toe nails grow. Skin of your baby becomes soft by this period of gestation. 
The lungs are still developing and takes maximum time to develop. 
The baby moves in the amniotic sac and you can easily feel it move inside you. It is your actual time to feel its kicks to find space for itself. You may also feel your uterus contract at times and give you the feeling of false labour also referred as Braxton-Hicks Contractions. 
Your growing child also prepares itself to come out into this world and changes it position to head-down position
Make sure to eat a healthy diet during this time to make yourself comfortable as well provide appropriate nutrients to your baby. 
A balanced diet is all one need during all phases of life but at times the body keeps a special demand of nutrients to you. It is very essential to add vitamins to your diet at this period of gestation. Sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots are good options of vitamin A for the growing baby as it now forms its vision and detect light. Adding vitamin C rich food  like kiwi, tomatoes, bell pepper and broccoli  to your diet is essential for your immune system as well as for teeth gums and bone of your baby. Vitamin B6 is essential for brain development and RBC formation which can be obtained from banana, potatoes and whole grain cereals.
Eggs, fortified food and dairy products may provide vitamin B12 essential for nervous system of your baby
Vitamin D from egg, fortified foods is good for growth and development of bones of your baby. Formation of blood cells (RBC) is much essential for both of you and can be grabbed from iron rich nuts, spinach, beans and peas

Few other tips are always are at its priority level for a safe and healthy body conditions. 
The best way to take care is by opting for regular and small meals. Do not skip meals at any time and rather stay hydrated with enough amount of fruits and drinks healthy for you. Try to avoid deep fried and spicy food. It will be better to cut down extra sugar snacks even. 
A healthy advice from your gynecologists and dietitian is always referred to all. Stay in regular contact with them for growth and fetal heartbeat checkup. 

Mnaging your body weight is a difficult task during this period of gestation and thus requires an regular weight checkup and BMI checks. 
Maintaining blood pressure levels is also mandatory for all during these weeks. 
Avoid eating any raw vegetable or raw eggs. 

A healthy diet is needed for a healthy mind and body. 

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