Nuts ! Nuts ! Go Nuts !


An age old saying, "Eat healthy, be healthy", has always been said in terms of receiving the various nutrients in adequate amount. We belong to different economic levels in the society and always pre-decide of what to buy for the next day rather nailing it down there and then. I realize the same because I too belong to such community level and always suggest the food choice accordingly. 

There is for sure a need to actually feel why should we cut down a small part of the income to invest on nuts, dried fruits or seeds. They can actually help us before the health problems arise which maybe due to ageing or an accident or any other related issue. 

An almond for instance is good for heart function due to presence of magnesium and potassium. Its consumption might prevent us from any heart related disorder which we are in risk of, at any point of age knowingly or unknowingly. A penny spent today on almonds might save us from the risk of losing taste from our favorite dish or maybe our precious life as well and even the large amount of money spent on the medications. 
Walnuts are the actual brain food, cancer fighting and controls ageing process in individuals. 
Brazil nuts tends to boost up immunity,  along being the best source of selenium is the best for thyroid control. Magnesium, potassium and calcium in it help to regulate blood pressure as well.  These reasons also promote it to be anti carcinogenic source hence prevents tumor formation. 
The dried up Apricots enriched with vitamin A helps to control immune system as well as maintains vision. Apricots being rich in vitamin C helps reduce ageing signs like wrinkles and also prevents age related loss of eyesight. 
Preparation for a healthy body starts today for a disease free tomorrow. Nuts being a link for a healthy tomorrow gives a way for resistance against disease causing agents. So lets together form this bond with nuts and dried fruits for a healthy life and being. 

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#Nuts if consumed in excess can be toxic. 


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