PANIC ATTACK : Real or Fake ?
Nowadays you must seen people face a lot of multiple behavioural problems and errors or mood swings which make them behave inappropriately with you or maybe with all. It is very commonly faced by youngsters and newly wed nowadays . It may be considered a sudden episode of fear or anxiety usually faced once or twice a life time. If the same person faces these attacks again and again then it becomes a PANIC DISORDER . These people commonly show profuse sweating, chills or hot flashes. They may feel rigid or even loose control over their body with even rapid heart rate. Nausea and vomiting may be rare but may effect in some cases. At times the person suffering may feel dizzy or faint and hurt themselves. There is feeling of detachment from people, things, social and emotional behaviour. The problem faced by these people may be genetic or they must have faced mental trauma or negative environment at their home , school or college even. It develops a negative emotion...